With Blocks, you can build the conversational flow of your chatbot. They define the sequence in which the chatbot interacts with users and responds to their queries.

You can add blocks to the canvas and connect them to create a flow. Each block performs a specific action, such as sending a message, capturing user input, or integrating with external services.

Blocks menu


Blocks can be grouped together for better organization and for creating connections between them. A group is created when you drop a block onto an empty area of the canvas. You can then drag other blocks into the group to organize them.

Group blocks


Here are the different categories of blocks that are available:

  • Send message: Display a message to the user.
  • Capture response: Capture answers from the user, such as text, email, form submission, and more.
  • AI: Use AI to generate responses to user’s questions.
  • Logic: Add conditions and logic to your flow.
  • Integration: Connect your chatbot to external services.

Send message

The Send message blocks are used to display messages to the user. You can use them to provide information, ask questions, or guide the user through the conversation.

Here are some of the blocks available:

  • Text: Display a text message.
  • Image: Display an image.
  • Video: Display a video.
  • Audio: Play an audio file.
  • Carousel: Display a carousel of cards.

Capture response

The Capture response blocks are used to receive input from the user. You can use them to capture text, email, phone number, and more.

Here are the available blocks:

  • Buttons: Display a set of buttons for the user to choose from.
  • Text: Capture text input from the user.
  • Email: Capture a valid email address from the user.
  • Form: Displays a form for the user to fill out.
  • Phone: Capture a valid phone number from the user.
  • Date: Capture a valid date from the user.
  • URL: Capture a valid URL from the user.
  • Number: Capture integer or decimal numbers from the user.


The AI blocks are related to the AI capabilities of the chatbot.

Here are the available blocks:

  • AI Response: Generate an AI response using the knowledge base or the AI model’s pre-trained data.


The Logic blocks are used to add conditions and logic to your chatbot’s flow. You can use them to create branches in the conversation based on user input or other conditions.

Here are the available blocks:

  • Condition: Define the flow of the conversation based on a set of conditions. You can add multiple conditions and define the actions to be taken for each condition.


The Integration blocks are used to connect your chatbot to external services.

Here are the available blocks:

  • HTTP Request: Send an HTTP request to an external web service and process the response.

To add a block, open the Blocks menu from the sidebar and drag the desired block onto the canvas.

Builder interface

You can then connect the blocks by dragging the connectors between them. This defines the sequence in which the blocks are executed during the conversation.

Builder interface